With Radblock enabled, the same request is cut down to 15 resources and just 1.03 MB. Without Radblock loading this page about Facebook's earnings from CNN Money results in the download of 112 resources totalling 2.71 MB. With Radblock enabled, the same page requires 53 resources totalling 2.65 MB, a savings of 47%. Without Radblock this page about Rihanna's new album from The Daily Beast downloads 282 resources totalling 4.99 MB. Case Study: The Daily Beast Without Radblock You can cut your data plan costs in half and load pages twice as fast with Radblock. On many popular websites, 50-60% of the data you download when you view a page is due to ads - extra images, scripts, buttons, trackers, etc. The website obesity crisis is real, and fat ads are part of the problem. Any page you load in Safari (even web views that other apps open) will be stripped of ads, tracking scripts, and web bugs. With Radblock, you can use drag-and-drop gestures to build a custom filter. These ads hijack your scrolling, make your fast device feel slow, and eat up 1-4 megabytes of data. Half the time this causes a new tab to open even though I'm sure I tapped the X and not the ad. I try to tap the X to close the ad overlay. Worse, some of these pop up after I've scrolled down a bit and take over the page. They stand close, bump into me, breathe on my ear. But when I'm on my iPhone or iPad, increasingly large portions of my screen are consumed by ads. I don't mind some ads, especially on large screens. Radblock Remove annoying ads and overlays for fast browsing in Safari.